Grout Medic Denver Blog

Steam Vapor with TANCS vs. Covid-19

By The Grout Medic | 3-19-2020

With COVID-19 now being a pandemic, many families are wondering what they can do in order to keep safe from getting it. The home is a place that needs to be clean and a haven. The Grout Medic of Denver is a family owned and operated business. Having a family of our own we are just as concerned as you are. We want to share some ways that you will better be able to disinfect your home, keep it clean and help your family stay safe.

Of course, we are taking every precaution possible as a company to sanitize at every opportunity. We are also following CDC guidelines to help make sure that we don’t catch COVID-19 and inadvertently spread it. However, we are also helping homeowners keep safe by disinfecting their floors, showers, and countertops for them. How so?

The machine that we use to clean your tile flooring, showers, and countertops is Steam Vapor with TANCS. You may be wondering how this stands up against the circulating COVID-19 virus. This type of virus is an RNA virus which means that it has an outer coating that can’t be dissolved by water alone. The outer layer is needed for the virus to latch onto the host cell, without it, the virus won’t be effective.

When it comes to our machines, they have gone through testing to see how much hot, pressurized steam kills germs and viruses. You’ll be happy to know that it has passed the tests and proven to be a killer against viruses that are harder to kill. Two viruses that were specifically tested against our Steam Vapor with TANCS machine are Human Coronavirus 229E and other harder-to-kill viruses like Canine parvovirus. The first virus mentioned showed that it was killed with our machine in a matter of 3 seconds. The latter viruses were killed in just 7 seconds.

Many people think they are disinfecting their home with cleaners but in all honesty, most aren’t. Homeowners think that you can spray and wipe, killing germs and viruses in seconds but the truth about cleaners is that they have to sit for a couple of minutes to actually do the job. This puts our system in the front and running when it comes the best way to disinfect your tile and stone surfaces. If you would like such surfaces cleaned and disinfected, give us a call today or fill out our online request form today!

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