By Denver Grout Medic | 3-20-2018
Inevitably when you deal with tile you’re going to be dealing with caulking. Even if you’re not dealing with tile you’re dealing with caulking in your home. Caulking is almost everywhere in your home. It’s typically around your kitchen sink, your bathroom sinks, the tubs and in the shower. So, to say the least it’s there and it needs to be cleaned and maintained just like everything else even though it’s small. This can save you a lot of money in the long run because you’re regularly cleaning its defenses and can see when its reached its expiration. The Denver Grout Medic knows all things tile and grout but also caulking. It comes with the territory. Here are some tips and trick to keep it clean and how to tell when it needs to be replaced.
How to Keep It Clean
We clean our showers and sinks often focusing on the tile faces, countertops, as well as the sinks. The small detail of caulking is all too often missed when we clean those items. Then we make a big deal of it when we see mold. Cleaning it regularly though will help fight and kill mold wanting to grow. Using a simple vinegar and water mixture to scrub it down with will do the trick. Make sure to do it every couple of months at least. Caulking’s life expectancy will vary depending on the type that you use and how well you keep up with it. How do you know when to replace it though?
Replacing Your Caulking
Caulking can look great from afar but as you get closer and inspect it you may find little holes or where it no longer adheres to the tile face. This is a sign that you need to replace it right away. You might be thinking that there isn’t any mold, so it must be fine. This is what you’re wanting to avoid though and by fixing it now you will save yourself the headache mold brings. Truthfully mold on your caulking is the least of your worries. A small hole can create water damage to the board beneath the tile, then you have mold not just growing on your caulking, but you have it growing up behind the wall of the tile. To fix it is expensive but on the other hand, a tub of caulking is roughly around $5. When you see mold growing on the caulking it is also time to have it replaced because when it appears to the eye it can mean its been growing behind the caulking for some time and it just now showing.
When you start to see these signs it’s important that you make sure to get it fixed by simply replacing the caulking. Caulking is a skill though. Making sure that you have the proper seal with no hole, gaps or bubbles is important. The Denver Grout Medic is here to help you with all your caulking, grout and tile needs. We can clean your tile and grout surfaces and make sure that your caulking has the best possible seal to keep water out of the seams. Call us today for a free home estimate!